Friday, December 3, 2010

The art of the motion picture.

I will start out by saying I am the first one who, If asked, would say 90% of the movies out there are not art. Because lets face it 90% of the movies out there are regurgitated, watered down crap. However when I start trying to create something artistic, be it for a class or for my own personal reasons, I find myself marveling at how much "art" is crammed into each movie I go see.

Writing, music, design, photography, each one is incredibly important to make a movie enjoyable, but simply because they are being used together none get the respect they deserve. Sure some purposefully artsy or downright gorgeous movies get credit, but even these are still for the most part looked at as art within the limits set by being a widely released corporate affair.

When you think of it in a broader sense it is one in a million movies released and most likely quickly forgotten. Sometimes though I like to consider it on the individual level. Someone spends months or even years putting together a visual to instill an emotion in an audience or at least to get across an idea. Add to it that it mixes every artistic genre, taking advantage of a composer, a costume designer, often painters or illustrators. When I think of it on this level I feel as if creating a motion picture is by far humanities greatest artistic achievement. That for the most part "critics" are to blame for the way movies are viewed, unless its a silent, black and white piece then all the sudden its artistic value is back. I think these massive achievements of artistic collaboration are most often overlooked for having no contribution to the artistic equation, when in fact most are artistic wonders just for having been completed at all.

Then I remember they made showgirls and have to rethink my whole position.

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